
Im yours lyrics prevod
Im yours lyrics prevod

im yours lyrics prevod

All things that don’t matter shit in the grand scheme of life on Earth or making it a better existence for ourselves and others… We’re raise to believe that they are to our benefit, all the while being blinded from the truth of our lives… We are slaves waging war with each other, the environment, the animals and most importantly ourselves. Babies are blindly handed over to the machines of our time and they are shaped into functinal members of society… Career, job, education, tax paying, shopping, voting, all the things that our time dictates are so important and a good judge of a person’s sanity. And a double meaning with the blind folded woman and man involving child birth in our time where often the parents birthing a child are blind to the Divinity within the Child and their own lives, often times parents are blind to the Blessing that Life is due to the stresses put on them in our time, in our society everything is weighed and measured for usefullness to the system of control and power. Time has to take the innocent new borns and give them to the blind men(them being band members who bring music to our ears that stimulates us to think and feel), they inturn return the innocence to their mothers womb(Earth) to save the innocence from being corrupted into killing machines of Society that destroy the future and themselves… Inessense saving the spirit and innocence of childhood wonder and joy from the dark future our current time is trying to inflict upon us all.

#Im yours lyrics prevod how to#

Time has to go backwards through the Generations to find the boy before he was turned into a soilder… A few flashes of life times of being a soilder and before that he was a boy playing as a soilder with sticks as guns… Kids raised to be killers… pointing their stick guns at the babies in blankets, the new born innocents… Indications of the youth with stick guns aiming to teach the next generation how to be killers and continue the cycle… Dragged to the depths by a rope around our necks that no one puts there, just vicitms of following a doomed course set by our forefathers, elders and ancients… Pointing onwards into destruction, time stares us in the face, while we hold our course.Ī course set by War and Dominace, running around the forests of Earth killings each other and destroying ourselves in the processes. In society we are riding the storm figuritively… War, disease, water and food crises, colony colapse, soil depletion, ocean’s over fished, plastic polution, hundreds of dead zones in the oceans… the shit storm is endless it seems following the direction we’ve been rowing… we’re all going to be thrown over board and drown by our own actions, sailing ourselves into oblivion. Manches sollte, manches nicht Some should, some shouldn’t Wir sehen, doch sind wir blind We see, but we are blind Wir werfen Schatten ohne Licht We cast shadows without light Nach uns wird es vorher geben After us there will be before Aus der Jugend wird schon Not Youth turns into hardship Wir sterben weiter, bis wir leben We keep dying until we live Sterben lebend in den Tod Die alive to death Dem Ende treiben wir entgegen We are drifting toward the end Keine Rast, nur vorwärts streben No rest, only strive forward Am Ufer winkt Unendlichkeit Infinity beckons on the shore Gefangen so im Fluss dеr Caught in thе river Zeit Time Bitte, bleib stеhen, bleib stehen Please stop, stop Zeit Time Das soll immer so weitergehen It should always go on like this Warmer Körper ist bald kalt Warm body is soon cold Zukunft kann man nicht beschwören You can’t summon the future Duldet keinen Aufenthalt Do not tolerate staying Erschaffen und sogleich zerstört Created and immediately destroyed Ich liege hier in deinen Armen I’m lying here in your arms Ach, könnt es doch für immer sein Oh, it could be forever Doch die Zeit kennt kein Erbarmen But time knows no mercy Schon ist der Moment vorbeiZeit The moment is already over Bitte, bleib stehen, bleib stehen Please stop, stop Zeit Time Das soll immer so weitergehen It should always go on like this Zeit Time Es ist so schön, so schön It’s so beautiful, so beautiful Ein jeder kennt Everyone knows Den perfekten Moment The perfect moment Zeit Time Bitte bleib stehen, bleib stehen Please stop, stop Wenn unsre Zeit gekommen ist When our time has come Dann ist es Zeit zu gehen Then it’s time to go Aufhören, wenns am schönsten ist Stop when it’s most beautiful Die Uhren bleiben stehen The clocks stop So perfekt ist der Moment The moment is so perfect Doch weiter läuft die Zeit But time goes on Augenblick, verweile doch Wait a minute Ich bin noch nicht bereit I’m not ready Zeit Time Bitte, bleib stehen, bleib stehen Please stop, stop Zeit Time Das soll immer so weitergehen It should always go on like this Zeit Time Es ist so schön, so schön It’s so beautiful, so beautiful Ein jeder kennt Everyone knows Den perfekten Moment The perfect moment Lyrics © Rammstein

Im yours lyrics prevod